philmtd profile

Philip Dakowitz


👨🏼‍💻 Cloud Software Engineer at @subshell


My name is Philip and I am a Cloud Software Engineer at day and Drum & Bass producer at night.

I develop full stack applications, mostly using Java, Go and TypeScript and I run multiple productive Kubernetes clusters on public cloud providers and on premise. I am even running Kubernetes at home for my home automation. Why don't you visit me on GitHub and check out my public projects?

Featured projects

A selection of the open source projects I work on in my free time or when I'm at work:

Full House

Full House is a simple web based planning poker implementation. The backend is written in Go while the frontend is a small Angular application written in TypeScript.



A responsive SCSS flexbox library inspired by Angular Flex-Layout. Initially I created it to get the declarative syntax of Angular Flex-Layout without Angular. Now that Angular Flex-Layout is deprecated this library can be a replacement for small projects.


O-Neko is an application that lets everyone preview and try out new features of a software by creating on-demand test environments for feature branches. It is Kubernetes-native and allows for flexible project configurations via Helm charts. O-Neko is a project I work on at subshell.